Our sponsors for 2021

Listed below are the fantastic companies that help CESS and it’s members throughout the year. Come to our events and meet them!


BPEQ- The Board of Professional Engineers Queensland

The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ) regulates the profession of engineering in Queensland. The main function of BPEQ is the administration of the PE Act and managing the RPEQ system.


IPWEAQ - Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland

Our purpose is to enhance the quality of life for all Queensland communities by advancing the skills, knowledge and resources available to those involved in the planning and provision of public works and services.



Across our company, across our offices, across the world, we’re continually challenging today to reinvent tomorrow.



Golding has consistently demonstrated its ability to adapt to achieve exceptional results for our clients. We achieve success under varied contract delivery methods, including construct-only, design and construct, early contractor involvement, alliances and joint ventures.



Through the application of innovative construction methods, design solutions and complete project management, we pride ourselves on delivering optimal transport infrastructure to benefit the everyday lives of locals in metropolitan, regional and remote communities.