QUT CESS Companies and Canapes
6:00 PM18:00

QUT CESS Companies and Canapes

Companies and Canapés will be a formal evening packed with industry professionals! with over 30 engineers attending; including HR recruiters and graduates from a wide range of civil engineering companies.

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QUT CESS & QUT CONSTRUCT Emotional Intelligence Workshop
5:30 PM17:30

QUT CESS & QUT CONSTRUCT Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Do you struggle in making impactful interactions with prospective employers? Want to look at how you can improve on your self-management skills?

With our Emotional Intelligence workshop, participants will gain a better understanding of self-management and self-awareness.

This workshop will provide participants with better insight and control over their actions and emotions to positively impact their professional and personal lives.

Also, did we say that this was free with food???

Join us to develop skills that build sucCESSful careers!

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Maximise Your Future
5:30 PM17:30

Maximise Your Future

Struggling to get a sense of what the industry is REALLY like? Unsure of what WIL entails and how to get your start as an Engineer?
Then you better not miss out on Maximise Your Future 2019!
Hear presentations from leading Engineering contractors and firms on their current real-world projects and get an insight into your future as a practising engineer! Learn more about Work Integrated Learning, and the requirements of your placement.
So come along, enjoy FREE food and drink, and get one step ahead in your career!
When: Tuesday the 9th of April 6:00pm to 8:30pm (Week 7)
Where: The Gibson Room, Z Block Level 10
Cost: Free for members, $5 for non-members (membership cost)

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CESS Lawn Bowls
2:00 PM14:00

CESS Lawn Bowls

You heard correctly, Lawn Bowls!
We are excited to invite you all to Toowong Bowls Club on the 31st of March dressed in your favourite Hawaiian clothes. This will be a great chance to meet some new people, catch up with people you have met at previous events or maybe just find out more about your degree in a laid back social environment.
Tickets $10
We have FOOD included with your ticket as well as lawn bowls for the afternoon. So come and join us for BURGERS on the green!
This location is easily accessed via public transport making it easy to get to and from.
*If you are not 18 yet not to worry, this is an all ages event*

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ICE Industry Event Night
6:00 PM18:00

ICE Industry Event Night

  • The Atrium, P6 QUT Gardens Point (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

QUT CESS is proud to announce our first industry event for 2017, an Industry presentation by Lendlease and BCC along with the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), on the Kingsford Smith Dr Upgrade Project. These Industry Nights are fantastic opportunities for all students to help you learn more about not only what projects are going on around you, but how they happen, and what life is like being a Real World Engineer.

This event is open to all Students at QUT. CESS Members keep an eye out for your discount code that will be distributed via email shortly.

"The Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade, Brisbane’s next flagship project to transform the city’s road network, is now underway and is expected to be completed in 2019.

The Kingsford Smith Drive upgrade will involve widening the road from four to six lanes between Theodore Street at Eagle Farm and Cooksley Street at Hamilton. It will also include improvement works between Cooksley Street and Breakfast Creek Road at Albion."

More information on the project can be accessed here:http://ksdupgrade.com.au/ and here: https://www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/traffic-transport/roads-infrastructure-bikeways/current-road-intersection-upgrades/kingsford-smith-drive-upgrade-hamilton

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CESS Opening Pub Crawl 2017
to Mar 4

CESS Opening Pub Crawl 2017

Friday March 3rd
Starting 6pm at Botanic Bar
Fat Louie's 7:30 - 8:30
Mick O'Malley's 8:30 - 9:30
Johnie Ringos 9:30 till late

Hold onto your sandals and hit the ground running with QUT CESS for our first flagship event of the year. It's ths Friday, we know you have nothing on, so quit bumming around and get your tickets now to secure your pub crawl shirt!
Feel free to pickup your shirt at the door.

Tickets are $25, available through the QNECT link and include a covetted CESS Pubcrawl shirt in a fresh new design for the first 150 tickets! So get in quick to secure your shirt!

We have a great line up of venues and some great times planned along the way.

So why live the boring uni life? As we say;
Drinking Beers, Building Careers!

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Industry Site Visit
9:00 AM09:00

Industry Site Visit


QUT CESS is proud to announce our final industry event for the year, a Site Visit to the redevelopment of Westfield Chermside. These Site Visits are fantastic for all students and aim to help you see what the real world is like on active job sites.

More information will be provided shortly, so stay tuned to our Facebook and check your emails for all the links and information on how to apply.

Scentre Group was created on 30 June 2014 through the merger of Westfield Retail Trust and Westfield Group’s Australian and New Zealand management business.

The redevelopment of Westfield Chermside is currently underway, and will create an exceptional retail destination for Brisbane’s northern region with up to 95 new retailers in a gallery mall and new dining and entertainment precincts. Furthermore, this will be a great opportunity to see the structural changes that will be happening to the shopping centre.

For more information about Westfield Chermside's Redevelopment, see their website here:

Date: Saturday, 26th November 2016
Time: Meeting at 9.00am for site Induction
Location: Westfield Chermside, Corner Hamilton and Gympie Roads, Chermside. Meeting location will be advised via email.

Ensure you apply to attend through Survey Monkey (link below) as numbers are strictly limited:

CESS members: Free

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Industry Soft-Skills Workshop
6:00 PM18:00

Industry Soft-Skills Workshop


QUT CESS is proud to announce our second industry focused event for the semester, our annual Industry Soft-Skills Workshop. These workshops are fantastic for all students and aim to help you put your best foot forward when trying to secure that all important jobs.

Speakers for the night are:
1. Stephen Veness from "Davidson Recruitment"

2. Heather Hu - Graduate Recruitment Coordinator from "AECOM" 

6.00 pm - Arrival

6.15 pm - Speech from Stephen Veness: Interview techniques and other softskills.

6.30 pm - Speech from Heather Hu

6.45 pm - Short sales pitch for ICE

6.55 pm - Questions and Answers

7.05 pm - Informal Networking session

8.00 pm - End of Event

Date: Wednesday, 11th May 2016
Time: Doors open at 6.00pm for a 6.15 pm start
Location: OJW Room, S block Level 12

Ensure you secure a seat through Eventbrite (link below) as numbers are strictly limited:


CESS members: Free
Non-members: $5 (This price includes CESS membership for the remainder of 2016)

********* FREE FOOD & DRINK WILL BE PROVIDED *********

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QUT CESS Splendour On The Boat Party
to May 7

QUT CESS Splendour On The Boat Party

Ahoy CESSians!

Welcome to QUT CESS' sellout annual Boat Party for 2016!

**Please Note this is a +18 EVENT**

This year will see you all grooving out on the waves like there's no tomorrow at CESS' very own festival themed boat party. So slide on your RayBans, put a few flowers in your hair, whip out your gumboots and grab whatever else you need for a good night with friends, alcohol and banging tunes. Dress up as much as you like and let the good times roll. 

All the deets:
- Gather round at the Botanic Bar at 6pm to kick off the night
- Be sure to exit the Bar by 8pm and strut it on down to Southbank Pier, cause this ship is sailing at 8:30
- On the boat we have 3 hours of non stop festival partying action! 
- There's a DJ with all the right stuff to get everyone out on the floor and dancing the night away
- Drinks Deals flowing all night
- Free Food to fuel all you party animals
- And finally, The After Party, (cause we're taking it into the AM baby) for more drink deals and good times!

Tickets are available through the link
Members - $20
Non-Members - $25 (includes membership for future events)
If you have attended a CESS event in 2016 you're already a member! So check your email for your unique discount code. Easy as that.

Take it easy, see you there and remember to be ready for SPLENDOUR On The BOAT!

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Semester 1 Industry Event Night
6:00 PM18:00

Semester 1 Industry Event Night

The QUT Civil Engineering Student Society presents:

******** 2016 CESS INDUSTRY NIGHT ********

The CESS Industry Event Night has a great line up of speakers from engineering companies such as GHD, Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) and Arcadis. 

Come along to network with Industry professionals and ask questions about your Civil Engineering career from the expertise. 

The speakers for the night are,

1. Nick Pohl (GHD, Service Group Manager - Contamination Assessment & Remediation)

2. Roslyn Bird (GHD, Senior Environmental Scientist)

3. Ross McDonald (Arcadis, Project leader for 1 William street)

4. Bruce Ollason (DTMR, Project Director for Toowoomba Second Range Crossing)

Date: Thursday, 28th April 2016
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm start
Location: The Atrium, P-Block level 6 (GP-P601)

Ensure you secure a seat through Eventbrite (link below) as numbers are strictly limited:


Business Attire

CESS members: $10
Non-members: $15 (This price includes CESS membership for the remainder of 2016)

Note: Please bring cash for tickets. Eftpos payments won't be accepted.


********* FREE FOOD & DRINK WILL BE PROVIDED *********

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The Engineering Games - A Night of Trivia
6:00 PM18:00

The Engineering Games - A Night of Trivia

Come along to the very first Engineering Games, at the Botanic Bar! Get your friends together for a night of trivia, beer and pizza! The night will run as a contest between the 3 heavyweights of the QUT engineering world: CESS, MESS, and EESS. At the end of the night only one can be crowned winner. As if you needed more reason to come there will also be prizes for teams that perform well in each round, and if your discipline is crowned victorious, you’ll get a trophy and the ultimate prize of all; bragging rights.

All proceeds from the event will be awarded for the winning team to decide on one of the three selected charities. MESS is supporting Oxfam, CESS Supporting Marine Dynamics and EESS supporting Engineers Without Borders.

We are opening the doors at 6pm in hopes of starting the questions at 6:30pm. Places are limited so get in quick.

Tickets are sold per discipline and links can be found below.

CESS: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-engineering-games-cess-tickets-24230583327 

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Semester 1 Pub Crawl 2016
to Mar 12

Semester 1 Pub Crawl 2016

Hold onto your sandals and hit the ground running with QUT CESS for the first flagship event of the year!

Starting Friday 11 March @ 5:30
Come and get a tickets at the Botanic Bar, we'll be selling at the door!

REMEMBER: The ticket price for this event includes 2016 Membership if you don't sign up at O-week!
- Great deals
- $20 Uber Discount for First Timers
- $2 Off New York Slice
- Free CESS shirt!

- A LOT of friends!
As always, the first drink is on us!

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CESS at O-Week
to Feb 24

CESS at O-Week

Ever wanted to meet the people behind CESS? Want to make new friends in civil engineering? Or do you just want to try your structural engineering hand at some giant Jenga? Come see us and have a chat at O-week on the 22nd and 24th of February. We'll be parked up near the kidney lawn at QUT Gardens Point, just look for the logo. 

On the day, you'll be able to sign up for 2016 CESS membership, which includes priority and discounted (sometimes free) tickets to all CESS events for 2016!

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QUT Engineering Ball 2015
to Oct 3

QUT Engineering Ball 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that the Engineering clubs of QUT invite you to the most anticipated event of the Engineering Calendar and winner of the Guild 2014 Event of the Year: The QUT Engineering Ball!

Welcome to Midnight in Paris, where elegance, decadence and romance meet in a whirlwind night blurring the boundaries between reality and dreams. Dance the night away under the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower or party in opulence as the cityscape lights up. It's going to be a magical night where anything can happen, only in Paris, the City of Lights, brought right to you at the Landing Dockside overlooking the Kangaroo Point Cliffs.

Your ticket to Engineering Ball grants you entry to all this and more with canapés, an extensive drinks package on offer, and a generous after party. Dress code is formal, suit and tie or cocktail dress (length at discretion), and entry is only open to those who will be 18 as of the date of the ball.

Check out the Facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 2nd October 2015
Time: Doors open at 7:00pm 
Location: The Landing Dockside 

Ensure you secure a seat through Eventbrite as numbers are limited.

<SOLD OUT> Pre-sale tickets will be available for purchase on the 24th of June at 6 pm and will be available to QUT Engineering Students only. A maximum of two tickets per transaction will be allowed. Ticket numbers are limited and are $90 per ticket <SOLD OUT>.

The next sale release of tickets will be in mid-early August, so stay informed by liking QUT CESS and joining the event on Facebook. 

Tickets are not refundable to QUT Engineering Ball but can be onsold for the ticket price. Please notify the Event organisers via email or message of your resale by providing the name of original ticket purchaser, new ticket holder and email address and the number of tickets sold. If you have any questions, comments, dietary requirements, etc., please do not hesitate to contact the Engineering Ball committee via email to qutengball2015@gmail.com.

- QUT Mechanical Engineering Student Society (MESS)
- QUT Civil Engineering Student Society (CESS)
- QUT Process Engineering Student Society (PrESS)
- QUT Electrical Engineering Student Society (EESS)
- QUT Girls in Engineering Making Statements (GEMS)
- QUT Fellowship of Medical Engineers (FoME)
- QUT Motorsport 
- QUT Engineers Without Borders (EWB@QUT)
- QUT Society of Mechatronics Engineers (SOME)

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CESS 2015-16 AGM
5:00 PM17:00

CESS 2015-16 AGM

  • Gibson Room, QUT Gardens Point (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CESS has confirmed the date for our AGM for 2016; it will be held on Monday 28th of September from 5pm in Gibson Room (note, this is in the mid-semester break).

CESS is looking to extend its team for semester 1 of 2016 to include keen first and second year students. This call out usually occurs every year as we plan the succession of the club!

Joining CESS will offer many valuable opportunities for you early on in your university career. You will have the chance to meet interesting people, be exposed to the industry, and help plan and carry out exciting events. It willI also looks great on your resume! Please note being involved in the club does require input and you need not apply if your only interest is boosting your resume experience. Here at CESS we look for proactive, motivated and confident students who love to have a good time as much as they love putting in to create something awesome. 

All CESS members are welcome to come along and apply for positions in the executive team and subcommittees. A link will be provided via email to apply for expressions of interest. 

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CESS Semester 2 Industry Night
5:30 PM17:30

CESS Semester 2 Industry Night

  • The Atrium, QUT Gardens Point (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The QUT Civil Engineering Student Society presents the 2015 Semester 2 Industry Night! 

CESS's Industry Night events are renowned for having a great line-up of speakers, and this time we've scooped the best of the best. Professionals from companies including ProBuild, Leightons, Jacobs (formerly SKM) and the Australian Water Authority will be speaking and networking with students, providing a unique opportunity for students to expand their professional network.

Come along to learn from the best, and of course, enjoy the complimentary food and drink provided by CESS.

Don't forget to check out the facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 10th September 2015
Time: 5:30pm
Location: The Atrium, P-601, Gardens Point Campus

Ensure you secure a seat through EventBrite as numbers are strictly limited. Tickets include entry, dinner, and drinks and are only $5 for CESS members, and only $10 for non-members (but includes CESS membership for the rest of 2015). Current CESS members should check their emails for their unique discount code.

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CESS Industry Soft-Skills Workshop
6:15 PM18:15

CESS Industry Soft-Skills Workshop

  • Queensland University of Technology (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

QUT CESS is proud to announce our first industry focused event for the semester, our annual Industry Soft-Skills Workshop. These workshops are fantastic for all students and aim to help you put your best foot forward when trying to secure that all important job.

This time we are introducing a special guest from Professionals Australia to present information to assist you in landing a job within the civil engineering field. The presentation will focus on market trends that affect engineering companies, and how that should influence your behaviour when applying for both undergraduate and graduate roles.

The night will be broken up into two sections, the first being the presentation from Professionals Australia, and the other being a panel-style Q&A session with the Professionals Australia presenter and two of QUT’s own career counsellors.

The presentations and Q&A panel will be followed by an informal networking session allowing time to freely mix with other students and ask any other questions you may have. 

As usual CESS has your back and will be providing plenty of food and drink for dinner.

This event will be free for all CESS members and $5 for non-members, remember to check your emails for your member discount code. Arrive at 6:15 for a 6:30 start and tickets will be available through Eventbrite very shortly.

Check out the Facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 27th August 2015
Time: 6:15pm
Location: Room B119, Gardens Point Campus

Ensure you secure a seat through EventBrite as numbers are strictly limited. Tickets are free for CESS members (check your emails for your unique code), and only $5 for non-members (which includes 2015 CESS membership, and discounted tickets for all CESS events for the rest of 2015).

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1 William Street Site Visit
1:00 PM13:00

1 William Street Site Visit

Do you want to see how a state of the art high-rise building is constructed? For a view better than the Brisbane Eye, come and check out the QLD government's new Tower of Power!

QUT CESS and Brookfield Multiplex are offering the opportunity for students to tour the 1 William Street building currently under construction just next to QUT. The tour will include a guide from BMC staff, and is FREE for 2015 CESS members (That's right, your membership from last semester is still valid!)

If you're not a member, don't worry, simply sign up on the day and join in on the fun; membership for the rest of 2015 is only $5.

Several tours are scheduled for Thursday 13th of August (WEEK 4), places are limited so get in quick to register your interest. You will need to bring along their own PPE (hardhat, safety glasses, hi-viz vest/shirt, safety boots and long sleeves/pants).

Date: 13th August 2015
Time: Several tours leaving between 1PM and 4PM. 
Location: 1 William Street, Brisbane CBD

Send an email to industry@qutcess.org, ensuring to include "BMC Site Visit" in the subject to register your interest. Make sure to include student number, year level, discipline/major, and contact details. If you're not a member,  

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6:30 PM18:30


CESS is back again, with another roaring pub crawl.

Long has there been a man celebrated for his ability to ‘go with the flow’ and his love of tie dye shirts. A simple man. The classic hippy. In recent times a new wave of man has contended with the typical long bearded stylings and knotted hair of the hippy. The sacred pony tail has been replaced by the top knot. With pant cuffs rolled and trendy shirts a blazing the world gave birth to the hippies’ new advisory. The Hipster. Similar in some respects, different in many. 

Sooo Cessians, new Cessers and Senior Cess Veterans, we’ve given you the chance to pick a side. Whether you feel like coming down in your feistiest groovy glasses or your most ‘clean and fresh’ attire, be at the QUT guild bar on Friday the 7th of August (WEEK 3) for our HIPPIES vs HIPSTER PUB CRAWL EXTRAVAGANZA! 

This time around, we have drink deals at four of the hippest venues around Brisbane including:

  • Botanic Bar 
  • Fat Louie's 
  • Mick O’Malley’s 
  • Dunder

The party kicks off at 6:30 at the Botanic Bar, and will move from there. 

Check out the Facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 7th August 2015
Time: 6:30pm 
Location: Botanic Bar, Gardens Point Campus

Ensure you secure a seat through EventBrite as numbers are strictly limited. Tickets are $10 for CESS members (check your emails for your unique discount code), and only $15 for non-members (which includes 2015 CESS membership, and discounted tickets for all CESS events for the rest of 2015).

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65 Mary Street Site Visit
4:00 PM16:00

65 Mary Street Site Visit

  • 65 Mary St Brisbane, QLD, 4000 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are excited to announce that Probuild is offering 20 students the opportunity to be part of an exclusive tour of the new 23 storey, 414 room student accommodation on Mary Street. The tour will be an excellent opportunity to get close to the construction and see first hand how a building is put together from breaking ground to completion.

Apply by sending an email to industry@qutcess.org with the following information: 

  1. Personal details: name, student number, email, phone
  2. Answers for the following questions:
    1. Are you a current QUT CESS member?
    2. What year level are you in?
    3. What is your degree major? (e.g. Civil, Civil & Construction, etc.)
    4. Do you have access to your own PPE? (Hard hat, hi-vis vest, steel cap boots, long sleeve shirt/pants and safety glasses)

Spots will fill up fast, so make sure to send in your application ASAP.

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CESS Annual Boat Cruise
6:30 PM18:30

CESS Annual Boat Cruise

Ahoy there!

CESS is back again, with one of their biggest sellout events: the CESS Annual Boat Cruise.

This year's theme - ATHLETES AND MATHLETES - caters for everyone; whether you execute killer plays on the field, or extrapolate epic functions by the desk, come along in your favourite sports gear or best nerd attire and have an unforgettable night on the water. 

This year's entertainment will include:

  • 3 Hours of non-stop costume themed partying, 
  • Private DJ, 
  • Unmissable drink deals,
  • Free food,
  • An unreal after-party, and 
  • Captain Jack Sparrow may or may not be there.

The party kicks off at 6:30 at the Botanic Bar, and will move from there. 

Check out the Facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 8th May 2015
Time: 6:30pm 
Location: Botanic Bar, Gardens Point Campus

Ensure you secure a seat through EventBrite as numbers are strictly limited. Tickets are $20 for CESS members (check your emails for your unique discount code), and only $25 for non-members (which includes 2015 CESS membership, and discounted tickets for all CESS events for the rest of 2015).

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CESS Industry Night: Meet the Profession
5:30 PM17:30

CESS Industry Night: Meet the Profession

The CESS Industry Night has a great line-up of speakers from companies such as the Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS), Hatch, Laing O'Rourke, and Santos. 

Come along to listen to a variety of speakers, network with industry professionals, and of course, enjoy the free food and drink provided by CESS.

Check out the Facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 23rd April 2015
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm 
Location: Gibson Room, Lvl 10 Z-Block

Ensure you secure a seat through EventBrite as numbers are limited. Tickets are $5 for CESS members, and only $10 for non-members (which includes 2015 CESS membership).

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 ICE Industry Night
5:30 PM17:30

ICE Industry Night

The ICE Industry Event Night is the first CESS Industry event of 2015 and is set to hit the ground running with guest presenter, Shaun Kenny, Bechtel President (Mining & Metals Business Unit). 

Over 20 members representing the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) will be attending the event, with the floor being thrown open to a networking session after the presentation.

Come along to network with Industry professionals, and of course, enjoy the free food and drink provided by CESS.

Check out the Facebook event to see who of your friends are already coming.

Date: 18th March 2015
Time: Doors open at 5:30pm 
Location: OJW Room, Lvl 9 S-Block

Ensure you secure a seat through Eventbrite as numbers are limited. Tickets are free for CESS members, and only $5 for non-members (which includes 2015 CESS membership).

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CESS Semester 1 Pub Crawl
5:30 PM17:30

CESS Semester 1 Pub Crawl

Hold onto your sandals and hit the ground running with QUT CESS this semester with the first flagship event of the year!

After being awarded Social Event of the Year and Club of the Year in 2014 by the QUT Guild, CESS is looking to out do itself with another of the university's biggest Pub Crawls.

Held in week 2 of semester 1, the pub crawl is a great way to make new friends, network with like-minded people and have a great night out!

As always, we have an array of venues and deals lined up including:

  • QUT Botanic Bar
  • Fat Louie's 
  • Mick O'Malley's 
  • Down Under Bar

Tickets are on sale now, which include 2015 CESS membership (and a discounted price for existing members), and you don't even need to be studying civil engineering to come along. 

Purchase tickets to secure your 2015 CESS shirts! Numbers and sizes are limited so get in quick.

Also, check out the Facebook event page to see who of your friends are already going. 

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