Come along to the very first Engineering Games, at the Botanic Bar! Get your friends together for a night of trivia, beer and pizza! The night will run as a contest between the 3 heavyweights of the QUT engineering world: CESS, MESS, and EESS. At the end of the night only one can be crowned winner. As if you needed more reason to come there will also be prizes for teams that perform well in each round, and if your discipline is crowned victorious, you’ll get a trophy and the ultimate prize of all; bragging rights.
All proceeds from the event will be awarded for the winning team to decide on one of the three selected charities. MESS is supporting Oxfam, CESS Supporting Marine Dynamics and EESS supporting Engineers Without Borders.
We are opening the doors at 6pm in hopes of starting the questions at 6:30pm. Places are limited so get in quick.
Tickets are sold per discipline and links can be found below.
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Earlier Event: March 11
Semester 1 Pub Crawl 2016
Later Event: April 28
Semester 1 Industry Event Night